Sunday, September 14, 2008


The first article I read was Phone Interviews: Tips to Get Called Back. The most important thing I got from the article was to find a quiet place. If you have something distracting you from the interviewer it could cause you to miss the most important thing that the interviewer says. Another important thing the article talked about was speaking easy. If you are in a bad mood or something is upsetting you the interviewer will know it. It is easy to know what kind of mood you are in over the phone.

The second article I read was How to Deal with Interview Stress. The most important thing I got from the article was arriving 10 minutes early for the interview. Arriving way early can drive the person who is about to get interviewed crazy. Another key point the article made was to relax. The interviewer can pick up on nervousness. If you are constantly moving around in you seat and studdering over your words, that is a sign that you are probably not prepared for the interview.

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